Drive collaboration and performance through leadership development.

Custom leadership development programs

Whether you’re a family business, an investor-backed portfolio company, or employee-owned, your leadership development needs are unique. Our dedicated experts bring deep expertise in private company leadership and can design a program unique to your timeline, budget and needs. Whether it’s a program for your high-potentials, a particular challenge with a new or existing team, or part of your broader leadership succession planning, we understand how private companies tick. Talk to us about your bespoke program today.

Individual and team executive coaching

Investing in executive coaching for key leaders on your team delivers results: for the individual and for your organization – for now and for the future. Whether you need executive coaching for one leader or for several, our highly reputable, certified and deeply experienced executive coaches have diverse practices and methods to fit your unique needs. These coaches also specialize in their work with founders and other leaders of private companies, and deliver 3-6 month program options that are realistic, practical and impactful.

Transformational learning leadership team sessions

The biggest leap in people satisfaction, collaboration and performance occurs when you connect everyone on a more human level. We give you the tools to do just that. It’s about inspiring possibilities, unlocking hidden potential, and arming your organization with personalized and actionable insights that make change tangible. Talk to us about how we can create half and full-day sessions that will help you spark culture transformation with knowledge that engages and empowers all.

learning tools

A diagram of a DiSC assessment chart, a leadership assessment tool.

Our assessment-based leadership learning tools deepen self-awareness, inspire appreciation of others and foster effective collaboration in the workplace. The result is a more engaged and collaborative team that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization. Our AgileEQ, Workplace, Management, Sales, Productive Conflict and Work of Leaders assessment tools and 1-on-1 feedback sessions, inspire and activate ongoing development.

Drive collaboration and performance through leadership development.