EVOLVE™ with confidence.

Where do you start?

Figuring out career transitions can weigh heavy. Sometimes the solution is relatively quick; sometimes it's a longer journey. Making the decision to begin the process is the first step. And it feels good! We help you put a practical plan in place, to get you on your way.

We’ve got your back

We work with senior executive leaders and board candidates, as well as with individuals who are newer to their professional leadership careers. Our expertise is in the private sector and in high-growth entrepreneurial environments.


Goals and objectives session

This first step is all about listening - to you. Our aim is to better understand your current state so that we can help you clarify next steps. We will ask you to talk us through your professional background in detail so that we can tie the pieces together to further clarify where you have been successful and why.

Professional branding session

Together we will review your resume as well as your LinkedIn profile. Tying together what we learned in our goals and objectives session, and based on our expertise in executive search and recruitment, we will then recommend concrete steps to ensure your professional brand is resonating with your target audience.

Interview training session

We take you through a practice video interview. As experts in executive search and recruitment, we will provide you with feedback, covering a number of topics, including: how to best present yourself over video, best practices in responding to typical interview questions, and how to conduct the most effective follow up.

Strategic options review

As executive search and recruitment professionals, we have the expertise to help you establish and reach your professional goals. This can include a review of strategic career options, an evaluation of your current situation, an identification of exit options, and a review of how your compensation benchmarks in the industry.

Guided framework

A framework will be provided ahead of your first session. This framework allows us to identify and hone-in on actionable items during each session. This way, you know exactly what to expect and what to execute on.

Select introductions to our network

We will identify and facilitate select introductions to our broader network of mid-market private companies and the robust ecosystem that supports them, for you to leverage moving forward.


  • 3 in-depth, consultative sessions

  • Goals and objectives review

  • Professional brand review

  • Interview training

  • Direct feedback


  • 3 in-depth, consultative sessions

  • Goals and objectives review

  • Professional brand review

  • Interview training

  • Direct feedback

  • Strategic career options review

  • Bonus follow-up session

  • Framework provided


  • 3 in-depth, consultative sessions

  • Goals and objectives review

  • Professional brand review

  • Interview training

  • Direct feedback

  • Strategic career options review

  • Bonus follow-up session

  • Framework provided

  • Select introductions to our network

Which one is right for you?

    • For those seeking practical, actionable guidance from executive search and recruitment professionals regarding their next-step career strategy.

    • After completing EVOLVE™, you will feel prepared (and feel better) about what's coming next.

    • For those seeking strategic guidance in determining their next-step career strategy, in addition to receiving practical, actionable guidance from executive search professionals.

    • After completing EVOLVE™ PLUS, you will have a clear direction on course of action and you will feel prepared (and better) about what's coming next.

    • For those seeking all of the above and to expand their professional network.

    • After completing EVOLVE™ MAX, you will have a broader professional network to draw on, you will have clear direction on course of action and you will feel prepared (and better) about what's coming next.

    • For existing or aspiring board directors looking to build their visibility with mid-market private companies.

    • After completing EVOLVE™ BOARD, you will have a broader professional network to draw on, you will have clear direction on course of action and you will feel prepared (and better) about what's coming next in your board journey.

Take the first step

We triage your needs through an initial intake call. We listen and learn, and propose a no-obligation course of action from there. Making the decision to begin the process is the first step. Contact us to book your complementary Career Triage Session today.

Evolve today.