Take your private company board
to the next level.
Rank your board against the best
Benchmark the performance of your private company board against the best by joining the Canada’s Best Private Boards community. Become a nominee of the program and learn how your board compares to the winners by percentile rankings in key areas such as impact and performance; composition, structure and culture; and leadership succession.
Get exposed to best practices in private company governance
Private companies get better through leadership - and governance is a big part of that. As a member of the Canada’s Best Private Boards community, you’ll be exposed to the latest trends in private company governance. We are building a leadership community of private companies representing family businesses, investor-backed companies, as well as employee-owned and partnership firms, who will learn from each other through real-life practical examples of winning governance.
Discover practical solutions to drive company performance
Whether you have a two-person advisory board and you’re looking to scale; you’re thinking about adding independent directors for the first time; or, you’re wondering how to create a committee structure for your fiduciary board, the Canada’s Best Private Boards community is the best place to start. Be amongst your peers in private company governance and discover what other leaders have done to turn their boards into performance-driving, risk-mitigating engines for their organizations.
Learn from the winners of the Canada’s Best Private Boards program
Canada’s Best Private Boards is a new annual awards program and summit – the first of its kind in Canada – recognizing the impact of great governance on the performance of private companies. Stay tuned as the program’s first winners are announced, followed by a Summit and Awards event in Toronto on November 6th, 2024. We are putting together an exciting agenda for that day with thought-provoking discussions on the latest trends in private company governance, discovered through the program. It will also be an unparalleled networking and best practice sharing event.