Board director recruitment.

Fit first

Not all board members are created equal. Private company boards have unique needs and as experts in both executive search and recruitment, as well as in private company leadership and governance, we have access to candidates with the right experience who understand entrepreneurial companies and their boards.

Best practices

As the founders of the Canada’s Best Private Boards program, we are exceptionally positioned in our board executive search and recruitment practice to be at the cutting edge of best practices in private company governance, and have an innate understanding of what makes for a successful board member in these environments.


Our executive search and recruitment practice is routed in the private company space. Our clients are family businesses, private equity firms and family offices, as well as employee-owned firms and partnerships. Our professional reputation opens doors - allowing us to connect directly with candidates who are the right fit for your private company board.

A young woman discussing recruitment of a new board member at a meeting.

Our board director candidates

Our executive search and recruitment practice is built on years of developing relationships with clients - and with candidates - in the private sector. Because of this, we have a network of talented and board-ready candidates who bring their unique and relevant experience in private company governance to the table.

We also lead executive search mandates for specialized independent directors, based on the unique and complex needs of our clients.

Join our roster

If you’re a candidate with expertise in private company governance, in either an advisory or fiduciary board member capacity, in Canada or the United States, we’d like to hear from you.

Get the most out of your board.